So Simple Most Will Ignore it

So you wanna get your handicap down.

You wanna be more consistent in your play.

And you would like to win a few more competitions or side bets off your pals.

Basically you want to be better at golf than you are now.

No shame in that, this game constantly reminds us of our frailties as human beings, reminding us that we are not as good as we think we are at times. It’s natural that you want to get better and improve.

Who wouldn’t want to be the top dog in their division, at their club, in their society, on their tour.

Much fun to be had when you’re top of the tree.

People look at you differently, people speak and interact with you differently, whether you know it or not, and they definitely respect you.

If you get good at this game, you can do something that very few people on this planet can do and I’m not talking about getting to tour level, I’m talking about being a low single figure golfer.

So what’s the secret to getting better?

More practice, more lessons, more playing time? Maybe, but not necessarily.

Trust me, if the bike is broken you won’t get there any quicker by pedalling harder. Meaning faulty technique is faulty technique no matter how hard you practice or play.

So here it is, your improvement plan. Make this advice the cornerstone of your golfing journey and you can’t help but improve.

Now the following is not sexy, not revolutionary, in fact it is downright boring, in fact it will be ignored by 99% of the people who will read this little ditty, but it does work, I promise you that.

How do I know?

Because I have seen it work in my own game, in the games of many pupil’s and students and just about anybody who had gotten better at this game. I’ve seen it work in absolute rank beginners, people who had no idea how to swing a club and months later they are playing good golf.

So what’s the secret?  It’s this.

Above all else, throughout the whole of your game, as priority number one, you have to learn how to get control of the clubface.

Everything you do within your game, every lesson you take, every practice session, every bit of information you consume should be geared to learning how to control or better control the clubface.

To improve as a player, whether it be chipping, putting, pitching, iron play or driving you have to learn how to put a square clubface, relative to your target, on the ball.

So the next time someone is chirping on about some ridiculous movement you should make with your shoulders halfway through the downswing, think to yourself, how will that improve my control of the clubface.

Get control of the clubface and you can get control of the ball, control of the ball leads to confidence and low scores.

Like I said, the above is very boring, very straightforward and will be ignored by the majority of people who read this.

But for those who take this advice on board and run with it, the keys to your golfing dreams have just been handed to you.

Go forth and hit more quality shots.

Now onto other business, something else that can help you drop strokes faster than a beauty queen looking to drop a dress size is my free e-book “9 Ways to Lower Your Handicap & Shoot Your Best Round Ever”, it ain’t large but it sure does pack a punch.

So what ya waitin for, get some golf lovin here.

Play easy

Bob James PGA